Lediga jobb som Helpdesktekniker/Supporttekniker i Hallstahammar

Se lediga jobb som Helpdesktekniker/Supporttekniker i Hallstahammar. Genom att välja en specifik arbetsgivare kan du även välja att se alla jobb i Hallstahammar som finns hos arbetsgivaren.

Technical Service Specialist sökes!

Ta steget mot en spännande karriär på ett världsledande företag inom energiteknik och automation. Vi söker en passionerad och kundorienterad Technical Service Specialist till vår uppdragsgivare i Västerås. Du kommer få möjlighet att bidra till att leverera högkvalitativ teknisk support till vår kunds globala kundbas. Är du den vi söker? Ta chansen och sök tjänsten redan idag, då urval kommer att ske löpande! Information om tjänsten: Professionals Nord sö... Visa mer
Ta steget mot en spännande karriär på ett världsledande företag inom energiteknik och automation. Vi söker en passionerad och kundorienterad Technical Service Specialist till vår uppdragsgivare i Västerås. Du kommer få möjlighet att bidra till att leverera högkvalitativ teknisk support till vår kunds globala kundbas. Är du den vi söker? Ta chansen och sök tjänsten redan idag, då urval kommer att ske löpande!

Information om tjänsten:

Professionals Nord söker för vår uppdragsgivares räkning en Technical Service Specialist. Vår uppdragsgivare är ett globalt teknikföretag med fokus på att utveckla marknadsledande teknologier. Du kommer att utgå från deras kontor beläget i Västerås, med möjlighet till flexibla arbetstider.

Uppdraget är en del av vår personaluthyrning, vilket innebär att du kommer att vara anställd av Professionals Nord och arbeta som konsult hos vår uppdragsgivare. På sikt är intentionen att bli anställd direkt hos dem, förutsatt att alla parter är nöjda med samarbetet. Den här rekryteringsprocessen hanteras av Professionals Nord och alla frågor kring tjänsten ska skickas till [email protected] 


Som Technical Service Specialist spelar du en central roll, där fokus ligger på att erbjuda tekniskt stöd till både interna team och externa kunder. Det innebär att lösa tekniska problem, ge råd och säkerställa att produkter och system fungerar optimalt. Specialistens uppgifter inkluderar bland annat:

• Ansvara för garantihantering av fabriksprodukter genom tekniska undersökningar och rotorsaksanalyser.
• Hantera alla ärenden och projekt på ett professionellt sätt med hög kvalitetsmedvetenhet.
• Dokumentera och hantera allt arbete i en gemensam databas för effektiv ärendehantering.
• Bygga långsiktiga relationer och leverera utmärkt kundservice på en hög teknisk nivå.

Vi söker dig som:

• Har en examen inom maskinteknik eller besitter en mekanisk bakgrund.
• Är bekant med affärssystemet SAP.
• Talar och skriver obehindrat engelska och behärskar svenska.

Vi tror även att dina personliga egenskaper är avgörande för hur väl du kommer att trivas i rollen hos vår kund.  Du har en passion för problemlösning och ett stort tekniskt intresse. Du är serviceinriktad och brinner för att leverera utmärkt kundservice. Din samarbetsförmåga är en av dina främsta styrkor, och du trivs med att arbeta i team för att uppnå gemensamma mål. Du är entusiastisk när det kommer till teknik och drivs av att lösa tekniska utmaningar för att säkerställa att produkter och system fungerar optimalt.

START: Enligt överenskommelse
STAD: Västerås
URVAL: Sker löpande
KONTAKT: Mira Pedernera, [email protected] 

Sök tjänsten genom att klicka på "sök jobbet" nedan. Vi går igenom urvalet löpande och kan därför ha gått vidare med kandidater innan annonsen stängs ner. Om du vill kan du även skapa en användare och ladda upp ditt CV och personliga brev. Vi tar tyvärr inte emot ansökningar via e-post, men om du har frågor kring tjänsten är du välkommen att kontakta oss på [email protected] Visa mindre

Kundservicemedarbetare med tekniskt intresse

Om oss Hej! Det är vi som är Clockwork. Enligt Bolagsverket tillhör vi bemanningsbranschen men vi ser det inte som att vi arbetar med bemanning (inte bekvinning heller, för den delen) – vi jobbar med människor! Visst, vi rekryterar chefer och specialister, vi kompetensförsörjer industrier, teknikbolag, handelsföretag och andra, vi hjälper skolor att höja sin kompetens och vi matchar talanger och förmågor mot arbetsmarknadens behov. Men vårt erbjudande hand... Visa mer
Om oss
Hej! Det är vi som är Clockwork. Enligt Bolagsverket tillhör vi bemanningsbranschen men vi ser det inte som att vi arbetar med bemanning (inte bekvinning heller, för den delen) – vi jobbar med människor! Visst, vi rekryterar chefer och specialister, vi kompetensförsörjer industrier, teknikbolag, handelsföretag och andra, vi hjälper skolor att höja sin kompetens och vi matchar talanger och förmågor mot arbetsmarknadens behov. Men vårt erbjudande handlar egentligen om en enda sak: kraften att gå framåt. Därför säger vi hellre att vi är i ”bättre-framtids-branschen”. Med hög kompetens, personligt engagemang och ett prestigelöst arbetssätt är det vår ambition att varje dag vara en laddstation för människor och företag som vill utvecklas. Du kan hämta kraft hos oss i över tjugo städer från Stockholm i söder till Luleå i norr. Läs gärna mer på www.clockworkpeople.se

Om företaget
Nu behöver våra kunder i centrala Västerås stärka upp sitt team.
Om du är tekniskt lagt, tycker om att ha ett högt tempo och ge service till kunder så är detta ett jobb för dig!

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I den här tjänsten kommer man ingå i ett telefoni supportteam som servar fler kunder.
Det läggs stor vikt på tekniskt kunskap, hög servicekänsla för att hjälpa kunden och ha en stor flexibilitet.

Heltidsanställning, dvs 100%

Din profil

Söker du efter en arbetsplats med god sammanhållning där man ständigt får utmanas, utvecklas och arbeta framåt tillsammans ska du skicka in din ansökan redan idag!

• Telefoni-vana
• Flytande tal och skrift i både svenska och engelska
• Tidigare erfarenhet av arbete med dator och ärendehanteringssystem
• Tekniskt kunnig inom telefoni
• Flexibel och kunna arbeta i grupp
• Hög kundfokus och servicekänsla
• Lösningsfokuserad och problemlösare

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig tillämpning. Vi ser att du som söker är samarbetsvillig och lösningsfokuserad. Det är även av stor vikt att du har ett tekniskt kunnande inom telefoni och starkt service- och kundfokus. Du är ansvarstagande och trivs även när det är höga arbetstoppar.

Kontorstider dagtid, måndag-fredag.
Flexibilitet är av yttersta vikt då rollen är delad bland olika verksamheter.

Du blir anställd av Clockwork och arbetar på uppdrag hos vår kund. Arbetet som konsult hos Clockwork ger dig ett brett kontaktnät, goda karriärmöjligheter samt riktigt goda chanser att påverka såväl arbetssituation som personlig utveckling. Som anställd hos oss får du en attraktiv anställning med marknadsmässig lön, övertidsersättning, semester, friskvårdsbidrag, tjänstepension och försäkringar enligt kollektivavtal. För att passa in i rollen som konsult ser vi att glädje, engagemang och affärsmässighet speglar din personlighet.

Är det dig vi söker?
Skicka in din ansökan till oss redan idag! Vi arbetar löpande med rekryteringsprocessen och tillsättning kan ske innan annonstiden löpt ut.

Vid frågor eller funderingar, vänligen kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Annika Nehrer via [email protected]
Sök tjänsten via: www.clockworkpersonal.se/lediga-jobb Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Linnéa Lundström ([email protected] Visa mindre

Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall! Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organiza... Visa mer
Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall!

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals. Does this sounds interesting to you and are you a person with a can-do attitude, then this could definitely be the right job for you!

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Welcome with your application!
Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Linnéa Lundström ([email protected] Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Linnéa Lundström ([email protected] Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Linnéa Lundström ([email protected] Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Linnéa Lundström ([email protected] Visa mindre

Kundservicemedarbetare med tekniskt intresse

Om oss Hej! Det är vi som är Clockwork. Enligt Bolagsverket tillhör vi bemanningsbranschen men vi ser det inte som att vi arbetar med bemanning (inte bekvinning heller, för den delen) – vi jobbar med människor! Visst, vi rekryterar chefer och specialister, vi kompetensförsörjer industrier, teknikbolag, handelsföretag och andra, vi hjälper skolor att höja sin kompetens och vi matchar talanger och förmågor mot arbetsmarknadens behov. Men vårt erbjudande hand... Visa mer
Om oss
Hej! Det är vi som är Clockwork. Enligt Bolagsverket tillhör vi bemanningsbranschen men vi ser det inte som att vi arbetar med bemanning (inte bekvinning heller, för den delen) – vi jobbar med människor! Visst, vi rekryterar chefer och specialister, vi kompetensförsörjer industrier, teknikbolag, handelsföretag och andra, vi hjälper skolor att höja sin kompetens och vi matchar talanger och förmågor mot arbetsmarknadens behov. Men vårt erbjudande handlar egentligen om en enda sak: kraften att gå framåt. Därför säger vi hellre att vi är i ”bättre-framtids-branschen”. Med hög kompetens, personligt engagemang och ett prestigelöst arbetssätt är det vår ambition att varje dag vara en laddstation för människor och företag som vill utvecklas. Du kan hämta kraft hos oss i över tjugo städer från Stockholm i söder till Luleå i norr. Läs gärna mer på www.clockworkpeople.se

Om företaget
Nu behöver våra kunder i centrala Västerås stärka upp sitt team.
Om du är tekniskt lagt, tycker om att ha ett högt tempo och ge service till kunder så är detta ett jobb för dig!

Dina arbetsuppgifter
I den här tjänsten kommer man ingå i ett telefoni supportteam som servar fler kunder.
Det läggs stor vikt på tekniskt kunskap, hög servicekänsla för att hjälpa kunden och ha en stor flexibilitet.

Heltidsanställning, dvs 100%

Din profil

Söker du efter en arbetsplats med god sammanhållning där man ständigt får utmanas, utvecklas och arbeta framåt tillsammans ska du skicka in din ansökan redan idag!

• Telefoni-vana
• Flytande tal och skrift i både svenska och engelska
• Tidigare erfarenhet av arbete med dator och ärendehanteringssystem
• Tekniskt kunnig inom telefoni
• Flexibel och kunna arbeta i grupp
• Hög kundfokus och servicekänsla
• Lösningsfokuserad och problemlösare

Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personlig tillämpning. Vi ser att du som söker är samarbetsvillig och lösningsfokuserad. Det är även av stor vikt att du har ett tekniskt kunnande inom telefoni och starkt service- och kundfokus. Du är ansvarstagande och trivs även när det är höga arbetstoppar.

Kontorstider dagtid, måndag-fredag.
Flexibilitet är av yttersta vikt då rollen är delad bland olika verksamheter.

Du blir anställd av Clockwork och arbetar på uppdrag hos vår kund. Arbetet som konsult hos Clockwork ger dig ett brett kontaktnät, goda karriärmöjligheter samt riktigt goda chanser att påverka såväl arbetssituation som personlig utveckling. Som anställd hos oss får du en attraktiv anställning med marknadsmässig lön, övertidsersättning, semester, friskvårdsbidrag, tjänstepension och försäkringar enligt kollektivavtal. För att passa in i rollen som konsult ser vi att glädje, engagemang och affärsmässighet speglar din personlighet.

Är det dig vi söker?
Skicka in din ansökan till oss redan idag! Vi arbetar löpande med rekryteringsprocessen och tillsättning kan ske innan annonstiden löpt ut.

Vid frågor eller funderingar, vänligen kontakta ansvarig rekryterare Annika Nehrer via [email protected]
Sök tjänsten via: www.clockworkpersonal.se/lediga-jobb Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Emelie Holmström Jahncke, ([email protected]). Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Emelie Holmström Jahncke, ([email protected]). Visa mindre

IT-tekniker till Västerås

För vår kunds räkning söker vi just nu en IT-tekniker som vill arbeta ute på fält ute hos en av våra kunder. Du kommer att utföra en hel del laptop- och PC-jobb samt byta ut hårdvara och hjälpa till med olika hårdvaruproblem.  Arbetet kräver att du reser inom Västerås kommun. Bakgrund Vi söker dig som har ett stort IT- och teknikintresse och vill arbeta med hårdvara och reparation. Vi ser gärna att du har tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med någon form a... Visa mer
För vår kunds räkning söker vi just nu en IT-tekniker som vill arbeta ute på fält ute hos en av våra kunder. Du kommer att utföra en hel del laptop- och PC-jobb samt byta ut hårdvara och hjälpa till med olika hårdvaruproblem.  Arbetet kräver att du reser inom Västerås kommun.

Vi söker dig som har ett stort IT- och teknikintresse och vill arbeta med hårdvara och reparation. Vi ser gärna att du har tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta med någon form av service. Har du en utbildning inom IT är det meriterande.

För tjänsten krävs att du: Har tidigare erfarenhet inom IT, hårdvara och reparationsjobb alternativt kan påvisa ditt starka IT-intresse genom fritidsprojekt eller annat.
Är händig, ansvarstagande, kommunikativ, initiativtagande och serviceinriktad. Stor vikt kommer att läggas vid personliga egenskaper.
Har B-körkort.  Du får tillgång till bil via tjänsten
Är flytande i både svenska och engelska

Övrig information
Detta är en tillsvidareanställning som inleds med 6 månaders provanställning. Tjänsten är på heltid och förlagd på vardagar på kontorstider. Tillträde är omgående.  För denna roll kommer vi att be om utdrag ur belastningsregistret senare i processen.

Intervjuer hålls löpande och tjänsten kan komma att tillsättas innan sista ansökningsdag, så skicka in din ansökan redan idag. På grund av GDPR kan vi inte ta emot ansökningar via mejl, så ansök till tjänsten via vår hemsida. Vid frågor relaterade till processen, varmt välkommen att höra av dig till Terese Hammargren, [email protected]

Varmt välkommen med din ansökan!

Om Barona
Barona är en internationell koncern med kontor i 10 länder. I Sverige har vi kontor i Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö, Falun och Strömsund och levererar lösningar inom kompetensförsörjning över hela landet. Vi erbjuder våra kunder ett visionärt och framtidsanpassat partnerskap och våra medarbetare spännande möjligheter i alla skeden av karriären. Ända sedan starten i Finland 1999, bygger vår framgång på att hela vår organisation är kundorienterad och utmanar traditionellt tänkande när det gäller tjänsteutbud och affärsutveckling. Genom vårt fokus på innovation och digitalisering kan vi ständigt ligga i framkant när det gäller modern rekrytering.
Läs mer på  http://barona.se/om-oss/ Visa mindre

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the... Visa mer
We are looking for an Onsite Specialist to Stora Enso in Skoghall

Stora Enso is a global industry leader within the manufacturing industry. With great focus on sustainable solutions from production, our client make sure that they are pushing effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing processes and solutions to market. You will be working in the IT department making sure your colleagues and the IT-environment is providing excellent support to the rest of the organization, making sure they can succeed in their daily operations and business goals.

About the position as Onsite Specialist
The position as Onsite Specialist is a consultancy assignment with long-term goals. It starts off as a 6-month assignment and thereafter the chances are good for an extension and continued employment at Barona or with our customer.

For this role, we are looking for someone that takes initiative and can work independently while maintaining close contact with the IT-manager. You will help relieve the IT-manager in some of her/his duties. With time, your responsibilities will increase along with your curiosity for learning about the IT-landscape and IT-solution that our client has in place.

Responsibilities as Onsite Specialist
You will install new laptops and workstations and give end-user support to customers. There is a lot of contacting the end-users about scheduling; about when an IT person can deliver a computer etc. The IT person will take with the old computer, reset and return it to the supplier. The project will take about couple months, and in summertime you work with other 1st level IT tasks.

Personal characteristics
For this role your personality will have a large impact in the recruitment process. We are looking for someone with the following characteristics. Excellent communication skills
Great cooperation skills
Positive attitude
Curious mindset
Takes initiative

Qualifications Couple years of experience in similar IT support task as you will be responsible for in this role.
Fluent in English both written and oral. Note that you will be speaking English all the time since the company is global (many nationalities are working together).

Meritorious Graduate degree from university, college, or trade school in IT with focus on IT infrastructure support.
Fluent in Swedish both written and oral
Driving license: good to have but not a necessity.
About Barona
Barona is an international company with Finnish roots. We have been around since 1999 and are currently operational in 10 countries. We offer our clients scaleable and sustainable staffing solutions. This makes it possible for us to offer great new career paths and development to our employees. Barona is bound by collective agreement and when working with us you will always have a dedicated consultant manager supporting you

Do you fulfil the requirements above and are interested? Apply today! We only require a formal merit list/CV, no cover letter is required. We do not accept applications directly to our e-mail, phone number or other channels than through our recruitment system to ensure compliance with GDPR. Applicants will be processed as soon as they come in and interviews will be ongoing, therefore the position might be filled before the last day of the job ad. So please do not hesitate to apply as soon as possible. Do you have any questions related to the job or job ad? Please reach out to me, Emelie Holmström Jahncke, ([email protected]). Visa mindre